NEDED Institute of Multi Skills


At Neded, students are provided comprehensive facilities for all the courses based on the institute’s philosophy that shaping their future is its sole objective. besides technical skills, the training methodology has been designed to develop the students abilities in wide-ranging fields-problem-solving, communication, teamwork, interpersonal skills...

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver exceptional ideas, experience-based education and results so all students and particularly low-income students and students of color are prepared for success in college, career and life. We envision a world in which every student is prepared to succeed a world in which income and race no longer determine the quality of education.

Our Vision

We believe that if Education delivers consistently excellent work and builds capacity in society to improve and influence what matters most for student learning, then we will advance the vision of preparing all students and particularly low-income students and students of color for success in college, careers and life.

100% Job Assistance Guaranteed

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